Bachelor of Laws Program (หลักสูตรนิติศาสตรบัณฑิต)
+Course name
English : Bachelor of Laws Program
Thai : หลักสูตรนิติศาสตรบัณฑิต
+ Degree Programs
English (Full name) : Bachelor of laws (Initials) : L.L.B.Thai (Full name) : นิติศาสตรบัณฑิต (Initials) : น.บ.
+ Course
Credits At least 145 credits
+ Courses
Bachelor of laws (L.L.B.)
+ Guidelines on occupational
A graduate of the Faculty of Laws Can be divided the work 2 typess
1. The use of the law of occupation directly. The people who did not graduate from the Faculty of Law. These occupations can not be known. "Legal profession", including judges, prosecutors, lawyers, legal consultants, law, etc.
2. The use of legal knowledge to his advantage. For professionals such as police officers, bailiffs, business companies, which officials said. The graduates will be able to choose the legal profession more widely than other areas because it could have legal profession. Can also be employed in other fields as well, such as a bank teller. Human resource In public and private agencies and so on.
+ Approach to study
Can study in the master"s and doctoral degrees in law and Social Sciences Both at home and abroad. The study in vocational law, including vocational lawyer and barrister at law.
+ Course structure
1. General Education (At least). 30 credits.
2. Specific Courses (At least) 109 credits.
- Major courses 97 credits
- Major Elective 12 credits.
3. Electives. 6 credits.
Total 145 credits.